


Hi, I’m Jas, I’m an NMC registered Midwife with over 9 years’ experience working within NHS hospitals caring for women and families. 

I completed my training in an incredibly diverse North London hospital, where I had the privilege of learning from some incredibly inspiring and positive midwives and obstetricians.

More recently I have held positions in various trusts the North of England. I have experience of supporting women in a hospital setting, as well as being part of a traditional midwifery care team. I have also been fortunate to be part of a continuity of carer team. A model of care which allows women to see the same midwife throughout their pregnancy, birth and postnatal period. This experience has provided me with a first hand knowledge and understanding of the importance of continuity and forming a strong bond, trust and working relationship with your carer, in order to achieve more positive outcomes for you and your baby.

I became adept at handling emergency situations and the medical management of pregnancy and birth but something never felt quite right or comfortable for me to be supporting such regular medical interventions.

My true calling, and the vision that led me to become a birth worker, was of being a holistic birthing attendant, aiding in the normal processes of labour, supporting women on their own personal journeys.

If my journey so far has taught me anything, it is that people just want to be heard, to have a safe space to share their experiences and concerns, and ask all of those seemingly silly questions, without fear or judgement.

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Hospital based care often felt like being part of a conveyor belt; dutifully completing paperwork, ticking policy boxes and not really ever feeling like I was able to give enough time to the women and families in my care. 

In January 2023 I made the decision to leave the traditional care system to offer a truly family centred, personalised service, to support you on your journey to parenthood.

My vision for The Soulful Midwife is to provide education, understanding, care, support and above all, time, to help you to explore all of your options, review and process your past experiences and feel in control of your pregnancy. 


I can help you to navigate the medical minefield of interventions so that you can make the very best decisions that work for you. 

If you would like to find out more about how I can support you, please review my SUPPORT SERVICES or contact me directly via email to arrange an initial consultation.

"It’s not just the making of babies,but the making of mothers that midwives see as the miracle of birth"

Barbara Katz Rothman

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